DSP Alumni Series: The Job Market in Academia

10 a.m. – 3 p.m., April 19, 2021

DSP Alumni Series: The Job Market in Academia

Sponsored by the Hispanic & Lusophone Linguistics Working Group in collaboration with the Literary & Cultural Studies Working Group

Join us for a panel discussion with our 2020 alumni about their experiences on the job market and the importance of maintaining a supportive community. Bring specific questions or concerns you may have about navigating this step in an academic career.

A d o l f o B é j a r L a r a
State University of New York at New Paltz
Adolfo Béjar Lara is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Languages, Literatures & Cultures at State University of New York at New Paltz. His areas of research include Latin American and Latinx literary and cultural studies, border and migration studies and postcolonial and critical theory.

M a r i e l a L ó p e z V e l a r d e
Seattle University
Mariela López Velarde is an Assistant Professor of Spanish in the Department of Modern Languages & Cultures at Seattle University. Her main research interests are in second language acquisition, bilingualism, experimental phonology, L2 speech perception and production, and L2 processing.

M i r i a m R o d r i g u e z - G u e r r a
Lawrence University
Miriam Rodriguez-Guerra is an Assistant Professor of Spanish in the Spanish Department at Lawrence University in Wisconsin. Her major research interests are in Phonology, Speech Sciences, Bilingualism and Acquisition of Spanish as a Heritage Language.

For information CONTACT: coh-hllwg@email.arizona.edu