The Critical Service-Learning Program in the Department of Spanish & Portuguese is designed to build strong relationships with Tucson-area communities and connect our students with organizations through partnerships and approved service internships to fulfill service-hour requirements.
The program integrates experiential opportunities for students in the department focused on social entrepreneurship, leadership, and community-based projects and outreach, so they integrate theory and practice, connect more effectively with the Tucson region, and build specific knowledge, skills, and abilities for life after graduation.
Because of my service-learning, I am more aware of the importance of community work, not only because you are able to help others, which is the main priority but because new doors are able to be open for you, new experiences that may lead to you finding your calling in life. I do want to keep working with immigration law but most importantly I want to continue community work and advise others to do the same.
Marilyn Escalante
Spanish and Adolescents, Community & Education, Fall 2019
Director's Corner
Dr. Ana Cornide is the Director of the Critical Service Learning and Community Outreach Program for the Department of Spanish and Portuguese. A native of Madrid, Spain, Cornide received her B.A. and MA degree in Spanish and Latin American Literature from Universidad Complutense de Madrid. She received her Ph.D. in Spanish from the University of Virginia. She is an Associate Professor of Cultural Studies and Critical Service Learning. In Spring 2016, Cornide was selected as the recipient of the Richard Ruiz Diversity Leadership Faculty Award for the 2015-2016 academic year. This prestigious award honors faculty who have significantly contributed to enhancing the academic distinction of the University of Arizona by creating a diverse and inclusive community.
Ana Cornide
- Director, Critical Service Learning & Community Outreach
- Associate Professor of Practice
Modern Languages 527