NSSHL Practice Talks presented by the Hispanic & Lusophone Linguistics Working Group

1 – 3 p.m., Feb. 19, 2020

NSSHL* Practice Talks presented by the Hispanic & Lusophone Linguistics Working Group

February 19th, 2020 from 1-3 p.m. in Modern Languages 504

Snacks provided!

Critical Language Awareness through Music and Activism in the SHL Classroom
Carmella Scorcia Pacheco
Carmella is a second-year PhD Student in Border Studies in the Spanish and Portuguese Department at the University of Arizona. Her research includes integrating folklore and popular culture into the Spanish as a Heritage Language classroom; music as a means of empowering and building community for women's rights; and social justice in marginalized borderland communities.

"Struggles of Not Feeling Latino Enough ": A pedagogical tool for Critical Translingual Competence in SHL education
Isabella Calafate de Barros
Isabella is a second-year PhD student of Hispanic Linguistics. Her research interests are in the area of Sociolinguistics – more specifically, language contact and morphosyntactic variation - and also in the area of heritage language pedagogy.

Integrating Technology-Enhanced Instruction in Heritage Language Classrooms
Daniela Torres Cirina
Daniela is a PhD student in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching (SLAT). Her research interests revolve around technology-enhanced language learning, Heritage pedagogy and pragmatics.

Empowering Heritage Language Learners by Centering Symbolic Competence
Sara Alcázar Silva
Sara is a PhD student in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching interdisciplinary program. Her research interests revolve around heritage language pedagogy, translation and interpretation, and Learning by Design.

* The 7th National Symposium on Spanish as a Heritage Language will be held in Albuquerque, New Mexico, in Feb 27-29, 2020.
For information CONTACT: coh-hllwg@email.arizona.edu