Transformation: Story, Character & Meaning Across Time & Space

7 p.m., Oct. 20, 2021

Stories of transformation abound in our world—in mythology, folklore, literature and real life. Shapeshifters alter form, disguises alter appearance and journeys alter character. But over time, through telling and re-telling, stories themselves transform as well. And perspectives can shift understanding, so a hero in one land becomes a monster in another. In this presentation, explore stories of transformation and stories that transform, across the globe, from ancient to modern times, and consider what our ever-changing stories reveal about human nature.


College of Humanities Faculty Panelists:

Jennifer Donahue, Associate Professor of Practice, Africana Studies

Faith Harden, Associate Professor, Spanish & Portuguese

Kaoru Hayashi, Assistant Professor, East Asian Studies

Arum Park, Assistant Professor, Religious Studies & Classics


Live Stream will be available

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