Club Bilingue - for SHL (Spanish as a Heritage Language) students

El Programa de Espanol como Lengua de Herenciaes invita a CLUB BILINGUE

6 – 7:30 p.m., Sept. 13, 2023

This is a weekly opportunity for students enrolled in the Spanish as a Heritage Language program to chat and discuss different cultural topics. There will always be conversation, and it will always be tailored to meet the needs of all of the students attending, no matter your level in the program.


You will receive extra credit for your SHL class for EVERY club bilingue you attend.

The extra credit will apply towards your participation and attendance grade.


Zoom Link for Virtual Events: 


Blue flyer with colorful flowers as backgroud. The information is just title, dates, and all the rest of the information we have listed in description. Both a description of every presentation for the distinct dates and their hosting instructor.