Sociolinguistics project receives grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities

Prof. Ana Carvalho is the co-project director of "Bilingual Voices in the U.S.—Mexico Borderlands: Preserving, Expanding & Elaborating Sociolinguistic Collections" which was just awarded a NEH Grant: Humanities Collections and Reference Resources.

April 21, 2023

Prof. Ana Carvalho is the co-project director of Bilingual Voices in the U.S.—Mexico Borderlands: Preserving, Expanding & Elaborating Sociolinguistic Collections which was just awarded a NEH Grant: Humanities Collections and Reference Resources. This project is a collaboration with Prof. Katherine Christoffersen and Prof. Ryan Bessett. The project will investigate the preservation, expansion, and elaboration of two collections of bilingual sociolinguistic interviews, which document language varieties along the U.S.-Mexico border – The Corpus Bilingüe del Valle and the Corpus del Español en el Sur de Arizona (CESA)

National Endowment for the Humanities Press Release