MA Hispanic Linguistics Concentration

The Department of Spanish and Portuguese offers the M.A. with a major in Spanish. Students will specialize in Hispanic linguistics.


The applicant must hold, or anticipate completing by the time of admission, a bachelor's degree from an accredited U.S. college or university or the equivalent degree from a foreign university. The applicant is expected to have a minimum of one advanced Spanish grammar course and one advanced Spanish conversation and composition course; to have a minimum of 9 semester hours in areas including Spanish phonetics and pronunciation, advanced Spanish syntax, and general linguistic theory or their equivalent; to have a minimum grade-point average of 3.3 on a 4-point scale overall; and to have a minimum of 3.4 on a 4-point scale in Spanish.


Upon entering the program, the student establishes his/her degree study program in consultation with the Director of Graduate Studies. The student is required to complete a minimum of 33 graduate units in Hispanic Linguistics distributed as follows:

  •  30 units in Hispanic Linguistics distributed according to the following program of study.
  • A 3-unit Introduction to Hispanic Studies taken the first year of residence.
  • Graduate Assistant Appointments (GAs) in Spanish and Portuguese are required to complete a language teaching methodology course (SPAN-581A) before or during their first semester of classroom teaching. This course counts as one of the student's requirements in Second Language Theories and Applications.

In addition, the student must pass a comprehensive written examination in the field of Hispanic linguistics taken upon completion of all course work.

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