Courses Taught: SPAN 696; SPAN 582; SPAN 581; SPAN 580; SPAN 457; SPAN 453; SPAN 452; SPAN 325 Publications since 2001 Books: Hualde J.I., A. Olarrea & E. O' Brian. 2012. Handbook of Hispanic Linguistics. Blackwell. Colina, S., A. Olarrea& A. Carvalho. 2010. The Romance Linguistics Continuum: Crossing Boundaries and Linguistic Categories. John Benjamins. Hualde J.I., A. Olarrea & A.M. Escobar. 2009. Introducción a la Lingüística Hispánica. (Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics.) Cambridge University Press. 2nd. Edition (revised, with new chapters, exercises, a several new sections.) Olarrea, Antxon, 2005. Orígenes del lenguaje y selección natural , Madrid: Editorial Sirius. Hualde J.I., A. Olarrea & A.M. Escobar. 2002. Introducción a la Lingüística Española. Cambridge University Press. Awards College of Humanities Outstanding Teaching Award 2010 U. of A. Foundation Creative Teaching Award Nomination, University of Arizona, Spring 2003. Distinguished Innovation in Teaching Award, College of Humanities, April 2002. Certificate of Recognition, Graduate & Professional Student Council, U. of Arizona, May 2002 Outstanding Faculty Member Nomination, Grad. & Prof. Student Council, U. of Arizona, May 2002 Outstanding Professor in the Humanities Nomination, University of Arizona, Spring 2001. U. of A. Foundation Creative Teaching Award Nomination, University of Arizona, Spring 2000. Mortar Board Faculty Recognition Award. University of Arizona, Spring 2000 Mortar Board Faculty Recognition Award. University of Arizona, Spring 1999 List of Outstanding Professors. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Spring 1997. Excellence in Teaching Award. University of Washington, 1995-1996 Short Biography Dr. Antxon Olarrea received his Ph.D. in Linguistics with a specialization in Syntactic Theory from the University of Washington at Seattle in 1997. He is currently a Professor in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, where he teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in Hispanish Linguistics.