Benjamin Fraser is Professor of Iberian and Latin American Cultural Studies in the College of Humanities at the University of Arizona. He is the author of 15 scholarly monographs, the editor of 8 volumes, and the author of more than 100 articles and 30 review pieces. His most recent books are Beyond Sketches of Spain: Tete Montoliu and the Construction of Iberian Jazz (Oxford University Press, 2023) and Down Syndrome Culture (University of Michigan Press, 2024). Beyond literature, his research program spans cinema, popular music, photography, urban planning, and the videogame, centering on three primary areas: disability studies, comics studies, and urban cultural studies. His articles have been published in Hispanic Review, Revista Iberoamericana, Chasqui, Catalan Review, Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies, The Routledge Companion to Iberian Studies, Disability Studies Quarterly, Journal of Literary and Cultural Disability Studies, Sign Language Studies, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, Social and Cultural Geography, Emotion, Society and Space, The Barcelona Reader, Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics, International Journal of Comic Art, Studies in Comics, and more. He previously served as Department Head of Spanish and Portuguese at the University of Arizona and Department Chair of Foreign Languages and Literatures at East Carolina University. He has served as the Editor-in-Chief of Hispania, the flagship research journal of the AATSP, Founding Editor of the Journal of Urban Cultural Studies, Founding Co-Editor of the Hispanic Urban Studies book series, and Managing and Senior Editor of the Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies.
Contemporary Iberian & Latin American Film, Literature & Cultural Studies
Global Comics and Graphic Novels
Urban Studies, Cultural Geography and Spatial Theory
Cognitive Disability Studies, Health and Illness, Deaf Studies/Deaf Culture
Visual and Media Culture (Film, TV, Music, Photography, Painting, Videogames)
Continental Philosophy (Bergson, Lefebvre, Deleuze)
Tourism, Travel, Transportation and Mobility Studies
Digital Humanities
2025/2026 Fraser, B. Comics Beyond Text and Image: On the Substance of Visual Narration. New York and London: Routledge. Under contract.
2024 Fraser, B. Down Syndrome Culture: Life Writing, Documentary and Fiction Film in Iberian and Latin American Contexts. Foreword by Michael Bérubé. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press [Corporealities series].
2023 Fraser, B. Ben Katchor. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi [Biographix series].
2023 Fraser, B. Beyond Sketches of Spain: Tete Montoliu and the Construction of Iberian Jazz. New York: Oxford University Press.
Reviewed in the Diario de Mallorca 27 (Palma), October 2022
Reviewed in L’Avenç (Barcelona), November 2022
2022 Fraser, B. Barcelona, City of Comics: Urbanism, Architecture and Design in Postdictatorial Spain. Prol. by Pere Joan. Albany: SUNY Press.
Reviewed in the Journal of Urban Affairs, pending in 2023
2021 Fraser, B. Obsession, Urban Aesthetics and the Iberian City: The Partial Madness of Modern Urban Culture. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press.
Nominated for 2022 Jane Jacobs Urban Communication Award
Reviewed in Bulletin of Spanish Studies 99.5, 2022
2019 Fraser, B. Visible Cities, Global Comics: Urban Images and Spatial Form. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi.
Nominated for 2019-20 SCMS Katherine Singer Kovács Award
Selected for 2020 CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title
Reviewed in International Journal of Comic Art 21.2, 2020
Interviewed for Broken Frontiers comics blog, Dec. 11, 2019
2019 Fraser, B. The Art of Pere Joan: Space, Landscape and Comics Form. Austin: University of Texas Press.
Reviewed in Revista de Estudios Hispánicos 55.2, 2021
Nominated for 2020 Eisner Award (short-list of 6) for Best Academic / Scholarly Work
Reviewed in Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics (online prepublication)
Reviewed in European Comic Art 13.1, 2020
2018 Fraser, B. Cognitive Disability Aesthetics: Visual Culture, Disability Representations, and the (In)Visibility of Cognitive Difference. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Reviewed in Bulletin of Spanish Studies 98.1, 2021
Reviewed in Disability Studies Quarterly 40.1, 2020
Reviewed in Disability and Society 35.8, 2020
Selected as Open Access tite: http://www.oapen.org/search?identifier=1000256
Reviewed in Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature 72.2, 2018
2015 Fraser, B. Toward an Urban Cultural Studies: Henri Lefebvre and the Humanities. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Reviewed in Topia: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies 38, 2017
Reviewed in Social and Cultural Geography 17.2, 2016
Reviewed in Transnational Literature 9.1, 2015
2015 Fraser, B. Digital Cities: The Interdisciplinary Future of the Urban Geo-Humanities. Backingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
2014 Fraser, B. Antonio López García’s Everyday Urban Worlds: A Philosophy of Painting. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell University Press.
Reviewed in Bulletin of Spanish Visual Studies 1.2, 2017
Reviewed in Hispania 99.2, 2016
2013 Fraser, B. Disability Studies and Spanish Culture: Films, Novels, the Comic and the Public Exhibition. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.
Selected as Open Access title: http://oapen.org/search?identifier=626357
Reviewed in Journal of Literary and Cultural Disability Studies 10.1, 2016
Reviewed in Studies in Spanish and Latin American Cinemas 13.2, 2016
Reviewed in Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 93.5, 2016
Reviewed in Bulletin of Spanish Studies 92.2, 2015
Reviewed in Hispanic Review 82.1, 2014
2013 Fraser, B. Understanding Juan Benet: New Perspectives. Fwd. by Malcolm Alan Compitello. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press.
Reviewed in Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos 39.2, 2015
Reviewed in Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies 19, 2015
Reviewed in Bulletin of Spanish Studies 91.8, 2014
Reviewed in Hispania 97.3, 2014
Cited in the Spanish press in the Diario de León, 2013
2011 Fraser, B. Henri Lefebvre and the Spanish Urban Experience: Reading the Mobile City. Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press.
Reviewed in Cincinnati Romance Review 28, 2014
Reviewed in Romance Quarterly 59.4, 2012
2010 Fraser, B. Encounters with Bergson(ism) in Spain: Reconciling Philosophy, Literature, Film and Urban Space. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, Studies in Romance Languages and Literatures, #295.
Reviewed in Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies 16.1, 2015
2017 Digital Barcelona Project, East Carolina University. This collaborative digital project is completed and publicly available, based on an undergraduate Honors College course taught fall 2016, “Barcelona: An Interdisciplinary Urban History.” Student work in audio, video and text formats was vetted by a collaborative team, edited, and integrated into the online Omeka Exhibit and corresponding Neatline map. Collaboration with 16 undergraduate honors students as well as Educational Technology Consultant Dr. Irina Swain, MAIS graduate student Camille Kresz, and University Multimedia Center Director Laurie Godwin. Project hosted by East Carolina University’s ITCS Division. https://pan.ecu.edu/exhibits/show/digital-barcelona2017
2014 Gran Vía Madrid Digital Project, College of Charleston. This collaborative digital project is completed and publicly available, based on student work from SPAN 630: Seminar in Hispanic Studies, an interdisciplinary digital humanities-centered course conducted in Spanish at the graduate level. Collaboration with library faculty Jolanda-Pieta van Arnhem to integrate student work to the Gran Vía Madrid Digital Humanities exhibit and interactive map using Omeka and Neatline. Project hosted by the Digital Scholarship and Services (DSS) Dept. at the College of Charleston Libraries. http://studentomeka.library.cofc.edu/exhibits/show/granviamadrid
2021 Fraser, B. and S. Spalding (eds). Transnational Railway Cultures: Trains in Music, Literature, Film and Visual Art. New York; Oxford: Berghahn Books [Explorations in Mobility #6].
Reviewed in Technology and Culture 64.1, 2023
Reviewed in Journal of The Railway and Canal Historical Society, 2022
2016 Fraser, B. (ed. & introd.). Cultures of Representation: Disability in World Cinema Contexts. New York: Wallflower Press/Columbia University Press.
Nominated by Columbia UP for SCMS Best Edited Collection Award 2017
Reviewed in Disability & Society 31.9, 2016
Reviewed in New Cinemas 14.2, 2016
2012 Fraser, B. and S. Spalding (eds.). Trains, Culture and Mobility: Riding the Rails. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books (Rowman & Littlefield).
2012 S. Spalding and Fraser, B. (eds.). Trains, Literature and Culture: Reading and Writing the Rails. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books (Rowman & Littlefield).
Reviewed in Cuadernos de Literatura 17.33, 2013
2009 Fraser, B. (ed. & trans.). Deaf History and Culture in Spain: A Reader of Primary Sources. Fwd by Samuel J. Supalla. Washington D.C.: Gallaudet University Press.
2015 Foster, D., Fraser, B., and VanPatten, B. (eds.). “Special Focus Issue: The Scholarship of Film and Film Studies.” Hispania 98.3 (2015): 384-606.
2013 Fraser, B. (ed.). “Reading Madrid: Perspectives from Urban Cultural Studies.” Guest-edited special issue of the International Journal of Iberian Studies 26.1-2 (2013): 3-102.
2024 Collaboration with team of guest-editors U. Anya, J. Maddox IV, N. Michelle Murray. “The UN International Decade for People of African Descent.” Hispania, 107.2-3.
2023 Collaboration with team of guest-editors J. Muñoz-Basols, C. Neville, B. Lafford and C. Godev. “Applied Translation in Spanish and Portuguese.” Hispania, 106.2, pp. 169-334.
2021 Collaboration with team of guest-editors M. Myers, É. Ortega, S. Alles Torrent. “Digital Humanities in Spanish and Portuguese.” Hispania, 104.4, pp. 533-752.
2020 Collaboration with team of guest-editors L. Lehnen, K. Sánchez, C. Williams, O. Kelm. “Portuguese Special Issue.” Hispania 103.4, pp. 449-642.
2023 Fraser, B. “La trisomia 21, la discapacitat intel·lectual i l’escriptura de la vida a Barcelona.” Catalan Review 37, pp. 1-17.
2022 Fraser, B. “The Shape of European Jazz: On Mute, Mutable, and Pedagogical Musical Representations.” Studies in Comics 13.1-2, pp. 67-86.
2022 A. Fuoto and Fraser, B. “Metavivorship and Narrative Repair in Teva Harrison’s In-Between Days (2016).” Graphic Medicine Review 2.1: article 2, pp. 1-13. https://graphicmedicinereview.com/articles/10.5164/gmr.35/
2022 Fraser, B. “The Poetry of Snails: The Shown, the Intervened, and the Signified in Duelo de caracoles (2010) by Sonia Pulido and Pere Joan.” European Comic Art 15.2, pp. 56-79.
2022 Fraser, B. “‘Fraught with Background’: Narration, Monstration and Style in the Biblical Adaptations of R. Crumb and Chester Brown.” Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics 13.5, pp. 751-68.
2022 Fraser, B. “Down Syndrome Ensembles, Autonomy and Disability Rights in The Grown-Ups (2016) by Maite Alberdi.” Chasqui 50.2, pp. 233-52.
2022 Fraser, B. “The Sonic Force of the Machine Ensemble: Transnational Objectification in Steve Reich’s Different Trains(1988).” In Transnational Railway Cultures: Trains in Music, Literature, Film and Visual Art. Edited by B. Fraser, S. Spalding. Series: Explorations in Mobility, vol. 6. New York; Oxford: Berghahn Books, pp. 46-63.
2021 Fraser, B. “‘A Sort of Enchanted Place’: Town and Country Mysticism and the Architectural Façade in Seth’s Clyde Fans.” ImageText: Interdisciplinary Comics Studies 13.1, no pag.
2021 Fraser, B. “Tactile Comics, Disability Studies and the Mind’s Eye: On ‘A Boat Tour’ in Venice with Max.” Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics 12.5, pp. 737-49.
2021 Fraser, B. “Forging the Iberian Comic in Post-Dictatorial Barcelona: Space, Place and Nonplace in Pere Joan’s Passatger en trànsit (1984).” Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies 22.3: pp. 367-86.
2021 Fraser, B. “El ingenio visual de Miguel Noguera: el noveno arte vs la literatura en el cómic ‘Camilo José Cela’ (2010).” Bulletin of Spanish Visual Studies 5.1, pp. 111-33.
2021 Fraser, B. “Architecture, Urbanistic Ideology, and the Poetic-Analytic Documentary Mode in Mercado de futuros (2011) by Mercedes Álvarez.” In Architecture and the Urban in Spanish Film. Edited by Susan Larson. Bristol: Intellect. pp. 22-37.
2020 Fraser, B. “Paco Roca’s graphic novel La casa (2015) as Architectural Elegy.” In Spanish Comics: Historical and Cultural Perspectives. Ed. Anne Magnussen. New York; Oxford: Berghahn Books. pp. 182-201. [Reprint of 2018 journal article from European Comic Art]
2020 Fraser, B. “Tete Montoliu, Blindness and Barcelona in the Key of Modern Jazz.” Catalan Review 34, pp. 1-17.
2020 Fraser, B. “Trains, Time and Technology: Teaching ‘Mecanópolis’ through Mobility and Science Fiction Studies.” Teaching the Works of Miguel de Unamuno. Ed. Luis Álvarez-Castro. New York: MLA. pp. 112-18.
2019 Fraser, B. “On Polysemiotic Interactions, Visual Paratexts, and Image-Specific Translation: The Case of Rodolfo Santullo and Matías Bergara’s Dengue (2012/2015).” Studies in Comics 10.2, pp. 279-95.
2019 Fraser, B. “Joaquim Jordà and Nuria Villazán’s Mones com la Becky [Monkeys Like Becky] (1999) and the New Global Disability Documentary Cinema.” Disability Studies Quarterly 39.2, no pag.
2019 Fraser, B. “Obsessively Writing the Modern City: The Partial Madness of Urban Planning Culture and the Case of Arturo Soria y Mata in Madrid, Spain.” Journal of Literary and Cultural Disability Studies 13.1, pp. 21-37.
2018 Fraser, B. “El lenguaje visual innovador de Pere Joan: el pictograma analógico frente a la cultura digital en el cómic español contemporáneo.” Romance Studies 36.4, pp. 180-95.
2018 Fraser, B. “Urban Difference ‘On the Move’: Disabling Mobility in the Spanish Film El cochecito (Marco Ferreri, 1960).” Freakish Encounters. Ed. Sara Muñoz-Muriana and Analola Santana. Hispanic Issues Online, vol. 20, pp. 234-51.
2018 Fraser, B. “Miguel Brieva, quincemayista: Art, Politics and Comics Form in the 15-M Graphic Novel Lo que (me) está pasando (2015).” Transmodernity: Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of the Luso-Hispanic World 8.1, pp. 42-62.
2018 Fraser, B., A. Masterson-Algar and S. L. Vilaseca. “Cultural Studies, Behind the Scenes: Notes on the Craft of Interdisciplinary Scholarship.” Journal of Urban Cultural Studies 5.1, pp. 3-14.
2018 Fraser, B. “Paco Roca’s graphic novel La casa (2015) as Architectural Elegy.” European Comic Art 11.1, pp. 87-106.
2018 Fraser, B. “Visual/Geo-Spatial Knowledge and the Digital Library: On the ‘Mutaciones’ Section of Agustín Fernández Mallo’s El hacedor (de Borges), Remake (2011).” Hispanic Studies Review 3.1, pp. 63-77.
2018 Fraser, B. “The Public Animal in Barcelona: Urban Form, the Natural World and Socio-Spatial Transgression in the Comic “Un cocodril a l’Eixample” (1987) by Pere Joan and Emilio Manzano.” Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies 19.1, pp. 89-110.
2017 Fraser, B. “The City as Organizing Principle in 21st-Century Luso-Hispanic Studies.” Hispania 100.5, pp. 137-42.
2017 Fraser, B., C. Kresz and I. Swain. “Digital Barcelona: An Interdisciplinary Urban Cultural Studies Digital Project.” Journal of Urban Cultural Studies 4.1-2, pp. 195-206.
2017 Fraser, B. “A Biutiful City: Alejandro González Iñárritu’s Filmic Critique of the ‘Barcelona Model.’” The Barcelona Reader: Cultural Readings of a City. Ed. Enric Bou and Jaume Subirana Ortín. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. pp. 417-42. [Reprint of 2012 journal article in Studies in Hispanic Cinemas]
2017 Fraser, B. “Galdós, Subjective Realism and Comics Form: Nela (2013) by Rayco Pulido Rodríguez.” Entre la ética y la estética: Estudios en homenaje a Joan Gilabert. Ed. Nuria Morgado and Agustín Cuadrado. Newark: Juan de la Cuesta. pp. 205-19.
2017 Fraser, B. “The Modern City, 1850-1900: Urban Planning and Urban Culture in Madrid, Barcelona and Bilbao.” The Routledge Companion to Iberian Studies. Ed. Javier Muñoz-Basols, Laura Lonsdale and Manuel Delgado. London: Routledge. pp. 319-29.
2016 Fraser, B. “Filosofía urbana y movimiento (disciplinario): El pensamiento lefebvriano (bergsoniano) de Manuel Delgado Ruiz.” Filosofía y culturas hispánicas: Nuevas perspectivas. Ed. Nuria Morgado y Rolando Pérez. Newark: Juan de la Cuesta. pp. 257-70.
2016 Fraser, B. and J-P. van Arnhem. “A Collaborative Approach to Urban Cultural Studies and Digital Humanities.” Laying the Foundation: Digital Humanities in Academic Libraries. Ed. John W. White and Heather Gilbert. West Lafayette: Purdue UP. pp. 151-78.
2016 Fraser, B. “Comics Art and Urban Cultural Studies Method through Chris Ware’s Building Stories (2012).” Journal of Urban Cultural Studies 3.3, pp. 291-99.
2016 Fraser, B. “Art and Science in Pere Joan’s Nocilla Experience (2011).” International Journal of Comic Art 18.1, pp. 169-95.
2016 Fraser, B. “El cine, la ciudad, lo urbano: notas desde los estudios culturales urbanos.” Vademécum del cine iberoamericano: métodos y teorías. Ed. Eugenia Afinoguénova, Samuel Amago, Kathryn Everly. Hispanófila 177, pp. 263-76.
2016 Fraser, B. “Battling Voices: Schizophrenia as Social Relation in Abel García Roure’s Una cierta verdad [A Certain Truth] (2008).” Disability Studies Quarterly 36.2, no pag.
2016 Fraser, B. “Senescence, Alzheimer’s Dementia and the Semi-Subjective in Ignacio Ferreras’s Film Arrugas [Wrinkles] (2011).” Journal of Literary and Cultural Disability Studies 10.1, pp. 21-35.
2015 Fraser, B. “Rumbo a Almería: el terreno almeriense vendido y defendido en 800 balas de Álex de la Iglesia.” La retórica del sur: Representaciones y discursos sobre Andalucía en el periodo democrático. Ed. Antonio Gómez L-Quiñones and José Manuel del Pino. Sevilla: Ediciones Alfar, Serie Estudio sobre la Comunicación #207. pp. 265-89.
2015 Fraser, B. “The Future of Hispanic Studies: Disciplinary Challenges.” MIFLC Review 17, pp. 21-25.
2015 Fraser, B. “Our Urban Interiors: Recovering Use Value in the Prose Poems of Luis García Montero’s Una forma de resistencia (2012).” Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies 16.3, pp. 275-91.
2015 Fraser, B. “Madrid’s Gran Vía: An Urban Cultural History and Digital Project.” Journal of Urban Cultural Studies 2.1-2, pp. 205-13.
2015 Fraser, B. “Urban Railways in Buenos Aires: Spatial and Social Alienation in the Documentary Film El tren blanco.” Transfers: Interdisciplinary Journal of Mobility Studies 5.2, pp. 5-22.
2014 Fraser, B. “Henri Lefebvre in Strasbourg: The City as Use Value in José Luis Guerín’s Dans la ville de Sylvie (2007).” Marxism and Urban Culture. Ed. B. Fraser. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books (Rowman & Littlefield). pp. 43-61.
2014 Fraser, B. “Sensing Capital: Sight, Sound and Touch in Esteban Sapir’s La antena (2007).” Marxism and Urban Culture. Ed. B. Fraser. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books (Rowman & Littlefield). pp. 63-86.
2014 Fraser, B. “Urban Cultural Studies—A Manifesto [part 2].” Journal of Urban Cultural Studies 1.3, pp. 343-56.
2014 Fraser, B. “Urban Cultural Studies—A Manifesto [part 1].” Journal of Urban Cultural Studies 1.1, pp. 3-17.
2014 Fraser, B., Larson, S., Compitello, M.A. “Notes on the Renegotiation of a Hispanic Studies Canon.” ADFL Bulletin[Association of Departments of Foreign Languages] 43.1, pp. 77-90.
2013 Fraser, B. “Madrid, Histological City: The Scientific, Artistic and Urbanized Vision of Santiago Ramón y Cajal.” Symposium: A Quarterly Journal of Modern Literatures 67.3, pp. 119-34.
2013 Fraser, B. “Madrid and Urban Cultural Studies.” International Journal of Iberian Studies 26.1-2, pp. 3-19.
2013 Fraser, B. “Disability Art, Visibility and the Right to the City: The Trazos Singulares [Singular Strokes] (2011) Exhibit at Madrid’s Nuevos Ministerios Metro Station.” Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies 17, pp. 245-61.
2013 Fraser, B. “Diary of a Failed Spanish Capitalist: Individualism and the Ambivalent Critique of Pablo Sánchez’s El alquiler del mundo (2010).” Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 90.6, pp. 679-96.
2013 Fraser, B. “Nikos Kazantzakis’s Bergsonian Spain: Connecting Philosophy, Spanish Literature and Cultural Landscapes.” Hispanófila 168, pp. 37-54.
2013 Fraser, B. “Salvador García Jiménez, ‘autor de minorías’: La novela Angelicomio (1981) y el modelo social de la discapacidad.” Bulletin of Spanish Studies 90.8, pp. 1339-1356.
2013 Fraser, B. “Feijóo on Mars: A Brief Note on the Literary Godfather of Spanish Science Fiction.” Dieciocho 36.1, pp. 37-50.
2012 Fraser, B. “Materialism and Enigma: Juan Benet’s ‘Syllabus,’ Compitello’s ‘Socio–Poetic’ Methodology and Cultural Studies Pedagogy.” Capital Inscriptions: Essays on Hispanic Literature, Film and Urban Space in Honor of Malcolm Alan Compitello. Ed. B. Fraser. Newark: Juan de la Cuesta. pp. 79-91.
2012 Fraser, B. “Visualizing Spain’s Enlightenment: The Marginal Universality of Deafness.” Sociability and Cosmopolitanism: Social Bonds on the Fringes of the Enlightenment. Ed. Scott Breuninger & David Burrow. London: Pickering & Chatto. pp. 27-45.
2012 Fraser, B. “The ‘Sidewalk Ballet’ in the Work of Henri Lefebvre and Manuel Delgado Ruiz.” The Urban Wisdom of Jane Jacobs. Ed. S. Hirt and D. Zahm. London & New York: Routledge. pp. 24-36.
2012 Fraser, B. and S. Spalding. “The Speed of Signs: Train Graffiti, Cultural Production and the Mobility of the Urban in France and Spain.” Trains, Culture and Mobility: Riding the Rails. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books (Rowman & Littlefield). pp. 27-57.
2012 Fraser, B. “A Biutiful City: Alejandro González Iñárritu’s Filmic Critique of the ‘Barcelona Model.’” Studies in Hispanic Cinemas 9.1, pp. 19-34.
2012 Fraser, B. and A. Fuoto. “Manchester, 1976: Documenting the Urban Nature of Joy Division’s Musical Production.” Punk & Post-Punk 1.2, pp. 139-54.
2012 Fraser, B. and C. Méndez. “Espacio, tiempo y ciudad: La representación de Buenos Aires en El Eternauta.” Revista Iberoamericana 78.238-239, pp. 57-72.
2012 Fraser, B. “Into the Chilean Mines: The Dialectics of Land and Work in Baldomero Lillo’s Sub–terra” A Contracorriente9.2, pp. 248-81.
2012 Fraser, B. “Hacia un costumbrismo espacial: Larra y la ciencia–ficción de la vida cotidiana en Sin noticias de Gurb(Mendoza) y Plutón BRB Nero (De la Iglesia).” Letras Hispanas 8.1, pp. 48-61.
2012 Fraser, B. “Baldomero Lillo’s Underground Literary Modernism.” The Latin Americanist 56.3, pp. 75-99.
2012 Fraser, B. “On Nocilla and the Urbanization of Consciousness: Multiplicity & Interdisciplinarity in Agustín Fernández Mallo’s Fragmented Trilogy.” Hispania 95.1, pp. 1-13.
2011 Fraser, B., M.A. Compitello, and E. Romero. “An AJHCS Editorial Position Paper: A Modest Proposal on Peer Review.” Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies 15, pp. 11-22.
2011 Fraser, B. “Ildefons Cerdà’s Scalpel: A Lefebvrian Perspective on Nineteenth–Century Urban Planning.” Catalan Review 25, pp. 181-200.
2011 Fraser, B. “Why the Spatial Epistemology of the Videogame Matters: Mētis, Video Game Space and Interdisciplinary Theory.” Journal of Gaming and Virtual Worlds 3.2, pp. 93-106.
2011 Fraser, B. “Re–Scaling Emotional Approaches to Music: Basque Band Lisabö & the Soundscapes of Urban Alienation.” Emotion, Space and Society 4, pp. 8-16.
2011 Fraser, B. “Toward Autonomy in Love and Work: Situating the Film Yo, también (2009) within the Political Project of Disability Studies.” Hispania 94.1, pp. 1–12.
2010 Fraser, B. “The Art of Engineering: The Bridge as Object and Method in Juan Benet’s Fiction.” Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies 11.2, pp. 167–90.
2010 Fraser, B. “Spain, 1795: A Reconsideration of Lorenzo Hervás y Panduro (1735–1809) and the Visual Language of the Deaf.” Dieciocho 33.2, pp. 259–78.
2010 Fraser, B. “Hacia una teoría de lo desconocido: La aportación visual de Vacas de Julio Medem a la filosofía.” Hispanic Research Journal 11.4, pp. 353–69.
2010 Fraser, B. “The Work of (Creating) Art: Judith Scott’s Fiber Art, Lola Barrera and Iñaki Peñafiel’s ¿Qué tienes debajo del sombrero? (2006) and the Challenges Faced By People with Developmental Disabilities.” Cultural Studies 24.4, pp. 508–32.
2010 Fraser, B. “The Ills of Aerial Photography: Latin America from Above.” Chasqui: revista de literatura latinoamericana 39.2, pp. 70–84.
2009 Fraser, B. “The ‘Kind of Problem Cities Pose’: Jane Jacobs at the Intersection of Pedagogy, Philosophy and Urban Theory.” Teaching in Higher Education 14.3, pp. 265–76.
2009 Fraser, B. “Narrating the Organic City: A Lefebvrian Approach to City Planning, the Novel & Urban Theory in Spain” Journal of Narrative Theory 39.3, pp. 369–90.
2009 Fraser, B. “The Bergsonian Link Between Emotion, Music and Place: From the ‘Motion of Emotion’ to the Sonic Immediacy of the Basque Band Lisabö.” Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies 10.2, pp. 241–62.
2009 Fraser, B. “Imagen, materia, cine: Bergson, Deleuze y Cinelandia de Ramón Gómez de la Serna.” Hispanic Review 77.4, pp. 449–70.
2009 Fraser, B. “Modernist Liquidity Meets Liquid Modernity: From the Occult Stories of Leopoldo Lugones to The Fluidity of Modern Urban Life” English Language Notes 47.2, pp. 85–94.
2009 Fraser, B. “Undergraduates and Hispanic Sleuths: The Importance of University Cor(ps)e Requirements in a Liberal Learning Curriculum.” In Murder 101: Essays on the Teaching of Detective Fiction, Ed. Ed Rielly. Jefferson, NC: McFarland Press. pp. 38–50.
2008 Fraser, B. “Madrid, Neoplasmic City: Disease and the Urban as Process in Tiempo de silencio.” Letras Peninsulares 21.1, pp. 139–64.
2008 Fraser, B. “Baroja’s Rejection of Traditional Medicine in El árbol de la ciencia.” Bulletin of Spanish Studies 85.1, pp. 29–50.
2008 Fraser, B. “Un neuro–musicólogo antes de su tiempo: discursos actuales del sonido a través de dos cuentos de Leopoldo Lugones.” Hispania 91.4, pp. 794–804.
2008 Fraser, B. “Reconciling Film Studies & Geography: Adolfo Bioy Casares’s La invención de Morel.” Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature 41.1, pp. 153–68.
2008 Fraser, B. “A Snapshot of Barcelona from Montjuïc: Juan Goytisolo’s Señas de identidad, Tourist Landscapes as Process and the Photographic Mechanism of Thought.” In Spain is (Still) Different: Tourism and Discourse in Spanish Identity. Ed. Eugenia Afinoguénova and Jaume Martí–Olivella. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Inc. pp. 151–84.
2008 Fraser, B. “What is Liberal Learning?: Lessons on Pedagogy from Spain’s Institución Libre de Enseñanza.” Proteus: A Journal of Ideas 25.1, pp. 9–17.
2008 Fraser, B. “Why Don Fulgencio Entrambosmares del Aquilón’s ‘Apuntes para un tratado de cocotología’ belongs in the Spanish Cultural Studies curriculum—followed by a concise argument to the contrary: A manuscript by the great–great grandson Entrambosmares, translated from the original with editor’s notes.” Céfiro 8.1–2, pp. 21–35.
2008 Fraser, B. “Toward a Philosophy of the Urban: Henri Lefebvre’s Uncomfortable Application of Bergsonism.” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 26.2, pp. 338–58.
2007 Fraser, B. “Madrid’s Retiro Park as Publicly–Private Space & the Spatial Problems of SpatialTheory.” Social and Cultural Geography 8.5, pp. 673–700.
2007 Fraser, B. “San Sombrèro: A Land of Carnivals, Cocktails and Coups: Henri Bergson’s Theory of Laughter and the Problems of Travel Guide Humour.” Journeys: International Journal of Travel & Travel Writing 8.1–2, pp. 117–27.
2007 Fraser, B. “Manuel Delgado’s Urban Anthropology: From Multidimensional Space to Interdisciplinary Spatial Theory.” Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies 11, pp. 57–75.
2007 Fraser, B. “Deaf Cultural Production in Twentieth–Century Madrid.” Sign Language Studies 7.4, pp. 431–57.
2007 Fraser, B. “Unamuno and Bergson: Notes on a Shared Methodology.” Modern Language Review 102.3, pp. 753–67.
2006 Fraser, B. “The Space in Film and the Film in Space: Madrid’s Retiro Park and Carlos Saura’s Taxi.” Studies in Hispanic Cinemas 3.1, pp. 15–33.
2006 Fraser, B. “Narradores contra la ficción: La novela detectivesca como estrategia política.” Studies in Latin American Popular Culture 25, pp. 199–219.
2005 Fraser, B. “On Mental and Cartographic Space: Belén Gopegui’s La escala de los mapas, Bergson and the Imagined Interval.” España Contemporánea 18.1, pp. 7–32.
2004 Fraser, B. “Problems of Photographic Criticism and the Question of a Truly Revolutionary Image: The Photographs of Mario Algaze, Juan Rulfo and Manuel Alvarez Bravo.” Chasqui: revista de literatura latinoamericana 33.2, pp. 104–22.
2014-present Founding Co-Editor, w/ Susan Larson, Hispanic Urban Studies book series (Palgrave)
Hispanic Urban Studies – Titles Published in Series To-Date:
2021 François, L. Subterranean Space in Contemporary Mexico City Literature. New York: Palgrave.
2020 Vilaseca, S. (Ed. & trans.) Anarchist Socialism in Early Twentieth-Century Spain: A Ricardo Mella Anthology. New York: Palgrave.
2019 González, J. E. and Robbins, T. R. (Eds.) Urban Spaces in Contemporary Latin American Literature. New York: Palgrave.
2018 Palardy, D. Q. The Dystopian Imagination in Contemporary Spanish Literature and Film. New York: Palgrave.
2017 Holmes, A. Contemporary Argentine Cinema and the Politics of Architecture. New York: Palgrave.
2017 DiFrancesco, M.C. and Ochoa, D. J. (Eds.) Gender in Spanish Urban Spaces. New York: Palgrave.
2016 Cordoba, A. and García-Donoso, D. (Eds.) The Sacred and Modernity in Urban Spain: Beyond the Secular City. New York: Palgrave.
2016 Masterson-Algar, A. Ecuadorians in Madrid: Migrants’ Place in Urban History. New York: Palgrave.
2015 Snyder, J. Poetics of Opposition in Contemporary Spain: Politics and the Work of Urban Culture. New York: Palgrave.
2015 Fraser, B. Toward an Urban Cultural Studies: Henri Lefebvre and the Humanities. New York: Palgrave.
Peer Reviewer of book proposals and book manuscripts for Palgrave Macmillan, University of Toronto Press, SUNY Press, University of Michigan Press, Intellect, Liverpool University Press, Oxford University Press, Vanderbilt University Press, Bloomsbury, Routledge, Lexington Books (Rowman & Littlefield)
Peer Reviewer, A Contracorriente
Peer Reviewer, Age, Culture, Humanities
Peer Reviewer, Alternatives: Global, Local, Political
Peer Reviewer, Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography
Peer Reviewer, Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies
Peer Reviewer, Bulletin of Spanish Studies
Peer Reviewer, Bulletin of Spanish Visual Studies
Peer Reviewer, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies
Peer Reviewer, Catalan Review
Peer Reviewer, City, Culture and Society
Peer Reviewer, Chasqui
Peer Reviewer, Decimonónica
Peer Reviewer, Disability Studies Quarterly
Peer Reviewer, Emotion, Space and Society
Peer Reviewer, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space
Peer Reviewer, European Comic Art
Peer Reviewer, Hispania
Peer Reviewer, Hispanic Studies Review
Peer Reviewer, Hispanófila
Peer Reviewer, Humanities
Peer Reviewer, Journal of Chinese Cinemas
Peer Reviewer, Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics
Peer Reviewer, Journal of the History of Ideas
Peer Reviewer, Journal of Music and Dance
Peer Reviewer, Journal of Planning History
Peer Reviewer, Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies
Peer Reviewer, Latin American Research Review
Peer Reviewer, Letras Hispanas
Peer Reviewer, Mitologías Hoy
Peer Reviewer, MUSICultures: Journal of the Canadian Society for Traditional Music
Peer Reviewer, Periphērica: Journal of Social, Cultural, and Literary History
Peer Reviewer, PMLA
Peer Reviewer, Revista de Estudios de Género y Sexualidad
Peer Reviewer, Revista de Estudios Hispánicos
Peer Reviewer, Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos
Peer Reviewer, Romance Quarterly
Peer Reviewer, South Carolina Modern Language Review
Peer Reviewer, Studia Neophilologica
Peer Reviewer, Studies in 20th and 21st Century Literature
Peer Reviewer, Studies in Comics
Peer Reviewer, Studies in Latin American Popular Culture
Peer Reviewer, Studies in Travel Writing
Peer Reviewer, Transfers: Interdisciplinary Journal of Mobility Studies
Peer Reviewer, Transmodernity: Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of the Luso-Hispanic World
Peer Reviewer, Urban Planning
Peer Reviewer, Urban Studies
Peer Reviewer, urbe
Available at urbanculturalstudies.wordpress.com, on the Internet Archive, and by subscription on iTunes.
2014 UCS 011 Schifani on Buenos Aires Libre
2014 UCS 010 Feinberg on Theater, Labor and La Tabacalera in Madrid
2014 UCS 009 Klausen on Urban Geocaching in Copenhagen
2013 UCS 008 Masterson-Algar on Ecuadorians in Madrid’s Retiro Park
2013 UCS 007 Jefferson on Walcott’s Poetics of Caribbean Urban Modernity
2013 UCS 006 Afinoguénova on Public Protest & Madrid’s Prado Promenade
2013 UCS 005 Kooistra on Sexuality and Urbanization in Hollywood
2013 UCS 004 Lamb on Parkour, Architecture and the Body in Indianapolis
2013 UCS 003 Fraser on Antonio López García’s Everyday Urban Worlds
2013 UCS 002 Thornbury on Trains, Gender & Fictional Characters in Tokyo
2013 UCS 001 Vilaseca on Street Art in Spain (Valencia, Bilbao, Barcelona)