
Currently Teaching
SPAN 101 – First Semester Spanish
Oral approach. For the student with no previous experience in Spanish. Contact department for additional information.
Oral approach. For the student with no previous experience in Spanish. Contact department for additional information.
Oral approach. For the student with no previous experience in Spanish. Contact department for additional information.
Oral approach. For the student with no previous experience in Spanish. Contact department for additional information.
SPAN 203 – Writing and Oral Skills for the Heritage Learner of Spanish
Designed for students who learned Spanish in a home or community environment. Focuses mainly on written and oral development but reading and listening skills are also practiced in a dynamic cultural context. Grammar and spelling issues problematic to students are also covered. This course fulfills the University's foreign language requirement.
SPAN 253 – Intermediate Spanish I for Heritage Learners
For students who understand and speak Spanish fluently. Focuses on differences between formal and informal uses of Spanish and develops both in the areas of writing, reading, speaking, listening, grammar and vocabulary in a dynamic cultural context centered on Hispanics in the U.S.