
Office Hours
Thursday, 1:00 - 3:00 PM, https://arizona.zoom.us/j/4641240220
Tuesday, 2:00 - 3:00 PM, Think Tank
Pantoja, Louis Manuel
Graduate Teaching Associate

Louis Pantoja is a Ph.D. student in Hispanic Literature at the University of Arizona.  Prior to coming to Arizona, he received his B.A. in Spanish Language and Literature along with two minors in Latin American Studies and Anthropology from the University of the Pacific in Stockton.  In 2018, he received his M.A. in Spanish, from California State University, Sacramento, with a graduate certificate in Community College Faculty Preparation.  Concurrent with his undergraduate and masters’ degree studies, he worked for San Joaquin Delta College in Stockton in various capacities including the Payroll Department, Human Resources, and the office of Financial Aid, Scholarships and Veterans Services.  In the Summer of 2019 he served as Assistant to the Director of Study Abroad in Alcalá de Henares, Spain.  For a list of classes that he has taught at the University of Arizona see below.  His interests include twentieth-century Peninsular and Latin American literature as they relate to the study of culture and space in Hispanic communities worldwide.  

Courses Taught: 

SPAN 401 (Intro. to Latin Am. Lit. – 1 time abroad in Alcalá de Henares, Spain)

SPAN 333 (Advanced Span. for Heritage Learners – 2 times, 1 time online)

*SPAN 210 (Latin America on Film - 1 time, served as Teaching Assistant)

SPAN 201 (Third Semester Intermediate Spanish – 1 time online)  

SPAN 102 (Second Semester Beginning Spanish – 3 times)