Reading Inebriation in Early Colonial Peru. 1st edition Ashgate 2012 & 1st reprint edition Routledge 2017.
Viewing a variety of narratives through the lens of inebriation imagery, this book explores how such imagery emerges in colonial Peru as articulator of notions of the self and difference, resulting in a new social hierarchy and exploitation. Reading Inebriation in Early Colonial Peru evaluates the discursive and geo-political relevance of representations of drinking and drunkenness in the crucial period for the consolidation of colonial power in the Viceroyalty of Peru, and the resisting rhetoric of a Hispanicized native Andean writer interested in changing stereotypes, fighting inequality, and promoting tolerance at imperial level in one of the main centers of Spanish colonial economic activity in the Americas. In recognizing and addressing this imagery, my research restores an element of colonial discourse that hitherto has been overlooked in the critical readings dealing with the history of sixteenth and early seventeenth-century Andes. It presents drinking as the metaphorical site where Western culture and the New World collide and define themselves on the grounds of differing drinking rituals and ideas of moderation and excess. Narratives such as dictionaries, legal documents, conversion manuals, historical writings, literary accounts, and chronicles frame the context of analysis.
Regina Harrison, "Mónica P. Morales. Reading Inebriation in Early Colonial Peru," Renaissance Quarterly 67, no. 2 (Summer 2014): 685-687. https://doi.org/10.1086/677495
Dr. Morales is currently completing her second manuscript where she interrogates the intimate relationship between justice/rights discourse and race in colonial Spanish American writings about the Caribbean and the Viceroyalties of Peru and New Spain, in dialog with sound and space studies, critical race theory, postcolonial theory, and Latin American colonial studies to bring attention to political questions related to underexplored areas, such as the nature and theories of life, meaning, and identity (indigeneity and gender) in oppressive conditions of existence. She recently presented on the topic at the prestigious Modern Language Association Convention.
"La guerra . . ." Under review.
"Racial . . ." Under review.
¿Se puede hablar de solidaridad y defensa en la narrativa de Guamán Poma sobre los Indios en Buen gobierno? Letras. 91. 133 (2020): 211-232. http://revista.letras.unmsm.edu.pe/index.php/le/article/view/821/647
"La distancia y la modestia: Las 'dos' caras del Atlántico en los versos de Sor Juana a la duquesa de Aveyro." Revista Hispánica Moderna. 63.1 (2010): 19-33.
"Inebriation Imagery and 'Epistemic Shift:' The Case of Guamán Poma de Ayala." Revista de Estudios Hispánicos. 43. 3 (2009): 449-470.
"La mujer indígena, la sexualidad y el tambo: Transacciones desestabilizadoras en El primer nueva corónica y buen gobierno." Cuaderno Internacional de Estudios Humanísticos y Literatura. 5 (2005-2006): 69-80.
"La tertulia y el picholeo: La colonia y el cambio social resuenan en Martín Rivas." Hispanófila. 144 (2005): 61-73.
"Translation and the Discovery of Western and Andean Epistemologies in the Practices of Alcohol Drinking." Revista de Estudios Hispánicos. 31.1(2004): 45-61.
"Women and Alcohol: Cultural Essence and Social Deviance in Early Twentieth Century South America." Confluencia: Revista Hispánica de Cultura y Literatura. 18.2 (2003): 53-66.
Recent Book Reviews
“José Carlos de Puente Luna. Andean Cosmopolitans: Seeking Justice and Reward at the Spanish Royal Court.” Renaissance Quarterly 72, no.2 (Summer 2019):688-689
Courses Taught
- SPAN 696b Spanish American Literature
- SPAN 531 Topics in Spanish American Literature: Pre-Columbian Period to Independence
- SPAN 530 From Pre-Columbian Period to Independence.
- SPAN 449 Topics in Latin American Literature and Cultural Studies
- SPAN 431 Issues in Spanish American Culture
- SPAN 401 Major Works in Latin American Literature
- SPAN 352 Reading Politics and Culture in the Hispanic World
- SPAN 350 Readings in the Literary Genres
Short Biography
Dr. Monica Morales is Associate Professor of Colonial Latin American Cultural Studies in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese and affiliated faculty in Latin American Studies at the University of Arizona. She received her Ph.D. from Purdue University. Her research interests include the systems of domination and critiques produced by colonized subjects from the fifteenth to the seventeenth centuries in Spanish America; and the ongoing formations of colonial power in Latin America through the present. Current discussions on well-being, humanity, and theory derive from the key year of 1492 and the many more cultural encounters through which the many histories and identities of Latin America unfold. Dr. Morales is currently completing her second book. The study interrogates the links between rights discourse and race to reflect on notions of indigeneity, gender, subalternity, and life, as they were being produced by colonial discourse about Spanish America through relationships of management. Critical race theory, sound and space studies, postcolonial theory, and Latin American colonial studies provide the theoretical lenses to the analysis. Her research and teaching are interdisciplinary. They are informed by critical theory and history as well as the dialogs and methodologies that have shaped and continue to shape Latin American colonial studies so that students can be equipped to successfully begin their own analysis of colonial and postcolonial conditions and situations.