Thursday 1:00-2:00PM
I'm from Mallorca, a beautiful island in the Mediterranean Sea that belongs to Spain. I graduated in 2020 with my bachelor's degree in Foreign Languages at New Mexico State University. In 2022, I graduated from New Mexico State University with my master's degree in Hispanic Literature. I worked as an adjunct professor of Spanish at the Department of Languages & Linguistics at New Mexico State University 2022-2023 academic year. This is going to be my second year in the PhD program in Hispanic Literature & Cultural Studies at The University of Arizona where I'm currently teaching Spanish 201 for the BLP (Basic Language Program). My research interests are under a Transatlantic view connecting both Baroques (Barroco de Indias & Barroco Español) exploring the violence against the women's body in the Golden Age Theatre & literature and bringing it to the present time. Other topics of interest are pre-feminist & feminist theory, gender studies, utopia, aesthetics, psychoanalysis, testimonio and subaltern studies.