
Modern Languages 554
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Colina, Sonia
Regents Professor

Dr. Sonia Colina's areas of expertise are Spanish phonology (Optimality Theory, syllable structure) and Translation Studies (translation in language teaching, translation pedagogy, translation quality and translation in health care and research). She is the author of Fundamentals of Translation (Cambridge University Press, 2015), Syllable Structure in Spanish (Georgetown University Press, 2009), Translation Teaching: From Research to the Classroom (McGraw-Hill, 2003), the co-editor of The Handbook of Spanish Phonology, Fonología generativa contemporánea de la lengua española, Optimality-Theoretic Studies in Spanish Phonology, and Romance Linguistics 2009: Selected Proceedings of the 39th LSRL, and the author of numerous book chapters and articles in refereed journals. In addition to her publications, Professor Colina has served as an investigator and consultant for the Robert Wood Johnson foundation (Hablamos Juntos program) and as research team member in the UA’s NIH funded-project Oyendo Bien (Hearing Well) (with faculty from Speech and Hearing and Public Health) which used the Community Health Worker model to improve access to care by limited English proficient populations with chronic hearing loss on the Arizona-Mexico border. She was responsible for the translation/language mediation aspect of the grant. She was also a Co-Investigator on another NIH grant with the UA’s Department of Management of Information Systems on Spanish/English automatic text simplification. Sonia Colina is regular faculty in the Second Language Acquisition and Teaching program and is affiliated with the Department of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences (College of Science). She serves as Director for the UArizona's National Center for Interpretation and is a founding member and Past President of the American Translation and Interpreting Studies Association (ATISA) (

Currently Teaching

SPAN 580B – Spanish Phonology II

This course continues the study of the generative analysis of the phonological system of Spanish started in Spanish phonology I. SPAN 580 (Spanish Phonology II) reviews recent analyses of important phonological processes of Spanish, highlighting advances, difficulties and unresolved theoretical and empirical issues. The course aims to provide students with: (a) the knowledge and resources necessary to read and critique/analyze generative analyses of the phonological system of Spanish; (b) a general understanding of major theoretical models of phonology through their application to Spanish; (c) a general understanding of the challenges presented by Spanish to modern linguistic analysis, as well as the ability to formulate research questions. Students who wish to enroll in the course are required to have a sound knowledge of the descriptive facts of the phonology of Spanish and of major concepts/tools of generative phonology.

SPAN 585 – Introduction to Translation Studies

The main goal of Introduction to Translation Studies is to introduce students to the interdisciplinary field of translation studies, the scholarly discipline that focuses on translation and interpreting research. A secondary goal is to guide participants in the design of their own research projects in an area of translation studies. The course consists of a survey component that reviews the main areas of translation studies and various issues in translation and applied linguistics, and of a more practical section that applies the concepts reviewed to the design of research projects and/or curriculum. Although there is a clear focus on those areas of translation studies relevant to applied linguistics and language acquisition, topics in literary and cultural studies will be reviewed (e.g. cultural studies, polysystems theories, etc.). Introduction to Translation Studies is aimed at students of linguistics, SLAT, literature, cultural studies, and related fields.