Taehyeong (/tʰɛ.hjʌŋ/; https://namedrop.io/taehyeongkim) is a third-year Ph.D. student in Hispanic Linguistics in the Department of Spanish & Portuguese pursuing a Ph.D. minor in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching. He received a Bachelor of Social Science and a Bachelor of Arts in Spanish from Hankuk University of Foreign Studies. He holds a Master of Arts in Hispanic Language and Literature from Seoul National University, with the thesis focusing on the resyllabified /s/ of Spanish perceived by Spanish native speakers compared with the onset and the fake geminate. In addition to his Graduate Associate position in teaching Spanish at the University of Arizona, he taught online Korean courses to Colombians as a Korean native speaker.
His primary research interests in Hispanic Linguistics revolve around Spanish phonology and phonetics, in particular, syllable structure, OCP, phonological processing, syntax-phonology interface, and multilingualism.